Xoljal/ the mesosphere: a space for maroons, for the energetic refugees, for the magicians and poets, lovers and hope-full romantics, the interlopers moving between dimensions, los vagabundos y los que siguen perdiéndose. Here is a place for rest and refuge, respite from hostile worlds that aren't made for us. Let this space cozy your dreams, your visions, your magic/

Xojowik/ aqui, bailan mis ancestros.  In this space, we talk and play with our ancestors, and our inheritors. We eat together. We dance together. There are figures without faces, who offer warm greetings all the same, jasmächa’. They offer ancient, familiar food, they dress in exquisite fabrics and dance with confident grace. They are warriors, poets, scribes, astronomers, crafters, and everything in between/

The mesospace reverberates into this dimension, demanding manifestation, encoded through weaving, energetically mediated by copper, and materialized in garments/

sutinaq — circle

ulew — land; soil; earth
uxlab ulew — vapor from the earth
uxlabal — soul, breath

qajbal q’ij (n) west, in divination with the past

tail — rhythm
mul — time
kem, kiem — weaving

time is thick and palpable and pulsing. woven and swaying, speaking, listening. stretching, compressing, jagged, flowing. ordered and asymmetrical

kach ch’ich — copper
q’aq — fire, heat
q’axanel — mediator; intermediary

energy buzzes, tingling ling ling , hanging in the air and in your cells, grounded in celestial bronze

chomal che’ — trunk
jumetal che’ —  bark
k’amal che’ — root

stern and rooted, swaying and dancing, swelling in laughter, ja’jatemal. Here we sing to the trees, Oyaaaa, que oigan, y que escuchen

relibal q’ij — east, that which comes with the sun

uxlabal — soul, breath
uxlab ulew — vapor from the earth
ulew — land; soil; earth

sutinaq — circle